A blog about all things Oracle APEX with some PL/SQL and Javascript thrown in!
APEX v23.2 · The Compute Dependencies utility menu item has been removed from version 23.2 (and possibly earlier) but is still available by modifying the...
In this example, I'm setting two page items using the data attributes from a button and refreshing three regions in a drawer. The drawer is then...
// dynamic action on button click var divElements = document.getElementById("EXE_TASKS").innerHTML; var oldPage = document.body.innerHTML; // create a...
Button - Create a button and add the following to the 'Redirect to the URL' section. javascript:apex.confirm('Are you sure you want to delete?',...
var optionText = $("#P1_ITEM :selected").text(); var optionValue = $("#P1_ITEM :selected").val();
$('#P1_ITEM').val(json.items[0].empno); // jQuery $s('P1_ITEM', json.items[0].empno); // Apex javascript ($s() ← sets value)